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4K–Kubernetes with Knative, Kafka, and Kamel | DevNation Tech Talk
4K Streaming in Cloud with Kubernetes, Knative, Kafka, Kamel
Serverless Kafka on Kubernetes | DevNation Tech Talk
Lightning Talk: Docker-free Functions for Knative - Zbynek Roubalik, Red Hat
Knative Eventing - Apache Kafka Broker (demo)
Serverless with Knative - Mete Atamel
Serverless Integration on Kubernetes with Apache Camel K - Nicola Ferraro, Red Hat
Sponsored Session: Red Hat - Kafka + Knative for Bursting Workloads
Eventing with Knative and Cloud Run: From Basics to Advanced - Mete Atamel
[DevFest Nantes 2019] Knative A Kubernetes Framework to manage Serverless Workloads
Keynote: Enabling Real-Time Media in Kubernetes - Giles Heron, Principal Engineer, Cisco
Kubernetes Serverless with KNative -- The Next Big Thing.